聯系人: 寧經理 手機:13953116782 電話:15990999232 郵箱:499589624@qq.com 地址:濟南清河北路11號
來源:http://www.jjmfefo.cn 日期:2022-12-30 發(fā)布人:
When customizing work clothes for employees, it is necessary to consider the working environment of the employees, the working characteristics of the wearing personnel, and the customized price of the work clothes. Jinan tooling customization manufacturers remind you that there are three aspects for employees to customize uniforms: first, the pertinence of uniforms, second, the cost of customized uniforms, and third, the demand for uniforms.
1. Targeting of work clothes
When enterprises need to customize employee uniforms, they should consider their pertinence. For various factors such as different industries, different jobs, different genders, etc., enterprises customize work clothes to achieve an important goal of reflecting the corporate culture and corporate image, the nature of the company, the job characteristics of employees, and the workplace of employees.
2. Cost of customized work clothes
Of course, except for customized ceremonial clothes, special work clothes and private advanced customization, these are special needs, and they don't pay too much attention to price. However, when customizing work clothes, general enterprises will consider the fabric grade, style difference, design difficulty, work clothes price and other aspects to comprehensively consider the cost performance ratio of work clothes. While ensuring that employees are comfortable in working clothes, it also reduces the production cost of working clothes for enterprises as much as possible.
3. Demand for work clothes
Unification of work clothes is not only the need of working environment, but also the symbol of enterprise appearance. According to the requirements of customers, in combination with their work needs, company culture, age structure, body shape characteristics, the manufacturer will consider and measure the fabric, style, customer requirements and other aspects of clothing, customize suitable work clothes for customers, and create a new professional image rich in connotation and taste for customers.
Work clothes are different from ordinary clothes. The advantages of customization in the selection of fabrics are obvious. They can be selected according to the design and use needs of the enterprise. They are durable, durable, washable and meet the personalized requirements of the enterprise. More relevant content will come to our website http://www.jjmfefo.cn Consult!
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